Friday, November 26, 2010

Did I mention the scatterbrain syndrome, I suffer from? This might look like another symptom. Yesterday I finally pulled out all the mis-casts of glass, castings that have in one way or another gone wrong, sketches, kiln misfiring etc. and I took all 50+ kg to a big industrial sandblasting facility, where they very kindly and for a small fee, let me blast all the surface clean so I can re-use the glass in new castings. This one above is not a castaway, it is a sketch moving forward from these and though I like where it is going, it wasn't perfect and there is just too much good glass in that, to not use. The sketch lives on in digital life, tomorrow I am remelting all the good reclaimed glass.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am brewing up a storm... more to come

In the middle of producing for the Auckland Art and Craft Fair, while doing a bit of sorting and cleaning up in what could be the worlds messiest workshop - I am a scatterbrain - I found a pile of old sketches.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A kind of pretty I like.
The small pinch bowls have grown bigger and taller, into vase size.
Goodies from the heat came out last night. I now know the stacking of shelves in the kiln can take an earthquake up to at least 4.9 without collapse... This little number is a development on from the sketching back here . It can be made in varied heights easy too.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

This is a picture of damage from the 7.1 earthquake that hit us in Christchurch two months ago. Today I am turning the kiln on again for the first time since. I really hope we don't have another big after shock for the next 5 days ( we have had over 2000 after shocks, but it is calming down ). The mess in the kiln would not be pretty.