Monday, December 20, 2010

On a visit to Auckland and their Art Gallery recently, I wasn't allowed to take pictures from the exhibitions inside, but they are building a big new extension and the roof at the entrance was a good alternative photo opportunity. Beautiful wood, reminds me of boats and sails.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Three pictures, no less can do it - I am over excited about these little bowls. I want to make more and more and more. They are everything I want to achieve as a glass maker with a background and not so secret lust for ceramic*. They have that rustic feel that I like in ceramic, but still the glass qualities.

*if having to choose, I will almost always pick the ceramic exhibition over a glass exhibition :-s

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

This is the storm I have been brewing up. It is obviously a thunder storm.

They fit tea candles and they come in a calmer white version for the blue sky days too.