Friday, December 10, 2010

Three pictures, no less can do it - I am over excited about these little bowls. I want to make more and more and more. They are everything I want to achieve as a glass maker with a background and not so secret lust for ceramic*. They have that rustic feel that I like in ceramic, but still the glass qualities.

*if having to choose, I will almost always pick the ceramic exhibition over a glass exhibition :-s


  1. These are gorgeous!

  2. Can I just say... I saw you at the auckland art & craft fair and I think you're amazing! This blog is great too! Looking forward to your online store!

  3. Thank you! A little sad note, we had a large earthquake here in Christchurch in February and apart from one of these bowls ( which was bought at the Auckland art and craft fair ) they all broke along with so many other things in our city. Luckily all me and my family suffered was material damage. My heart goes out to the people who have lost loved ones.
